
Knowledge is power.

Capitalized Life & Retirement Show

Matthew P. Johnson explores the principals necessary to live The Capitalized Life and the retirement of your dreams. So ask yourself… Are you living the life that you want? Are you as prepared for retirement as you believe you should be? What are your goals for retirement, and how are you going to reach them?

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2023 Shows

The Five P’s

Fiduciaries prioritize their clients’ success when it comes to retirement savings. The five P’s can be a helpful framework in helping ensure that your retirement ...
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2023 Shows

The Life Insurance Pickle

Many people own life insurance, but they often find it intimidating and shrouded in mystery. You might think about the agent who sold it to ...
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2023 Shows

The Guide

Have you ever found yourself lost in an unfamiliar place? The road to retirement can feel like getting lost in a foreign destination. In a ...
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retirement income
2023 Shows

It’s Not Going To Last

Our parents and grandparents often said, “They don’t make them like they used to,” expressing a belief in the declining quality of goods over time. ...
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retirement income planning
2023 Shows

When Mom and Dad Get Old

As parents age, it brings about new challenges in communication and decision-making. Navigating these transitions requires patience, empathy, and open communication to find solutions that ...
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2023 Shows

What Safe Really Means

Today, we’re addressing a common question received at Johnson Wealth and Income Management. Our listener for today, Janet, is still working and relies on a ...
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